Pricing AI Helpdesk

Find the right solutions for your business.

Enhance your customer support experience with our state-of-the-art AI Helpdesk. Our solution is designed to aggregate, reorganize, sort, structure, monitor, monetize, and combine data and knowledge, making it adaptable across various industries.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Support: Provide instant, accurate responses to customer inquiries, improving satisfaction and efficiency.
  • Multilingual Capabilities: Serve a global audience with support in multiple languages.
  • Advanced Analytics: Gain insights into customer interactions and support performance to drive continuous improvement.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrate with your existing systems for a smooth transition and minimal disruption.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive design ensures a seamless experience for both your support team and customers.

Industry Applications

Our AI Helpdesk is versatile and can be tailored to meet the needs of various industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and more. Whether you are looking to streamline operations, enhance customer engagement, or improve decision-making, our solution is designed to deliver results.


  • Increased Efficiency: Automate routine tasks and provide instant answers to common questions, freeing up your team to focus on more complex issues.
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Utilize real-time data to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.
  • Empowered Employees: Allow your team to focus on creative and strategic tasks by automating mundane activities.
  • Security and Control: Ensure the confidentiality and protection of user and company data with our robust security measures. Manage data access permissions through a comprehensive control panel.

Support and Maintenance

We are committed to providing exceptional support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of your AI Helpdesk. Our team of experts is available to assist with any issues or questions, ensuring your system runs efficiently.

Why Choose ENSO AI Helpdesk?

Leverage the power of artificial intelligence to transform your business operations. Our advanced AI technology and expert consulting services ensure successful implementation and ongoing support. Select the AI Helpdesk package that best suits your needs and take the next step towards optimized support operations.

Note: Additional charges for advanced AI usage and integration costs may apply.


Efficient Support, Simplified
CHF 500 per month / user
  • Backend Users: Up to 3
  • Frontend Users: Unlimited


Service with Intelligent Support
CHF 350 per month / user
  • Backend Users: Up to 25
  • Frontend Users: Unlimited
Best Value


Solutions for Complex Needs
Custom Pricing
  • Backend Users: More than 25
  • Frontend Users: Unlimited
Experience the power of our services and solutions
Custom AI Solutions Provider