A Tailored Digital Workplace for Sunrise

zehnplus creates a personalized Java intranet for Sunrise Communications AG, optimizing customer management with widgets and powerful interface technology for efficient responses to inquiries.

The Company:

Founded in 2001 as the largest non-governmental telecommunications company in Switzerland, Sunrise Communications AG connects private and business customers through TV, mobile, fixed-line, and online services.

Successfully Achieved Goal:

Sunrise Screenshot

Sunrise Information Desktop as a Tailored Workspace

Our individually customized Java intranet application allows employees to add and manage various content on their personal information desktop. The foundation for this is widgets, which are templates grouped in teams but are individually expandable.

Seamless Integration through Powerful Interface Technology

For maximum efficiency and flexibility, information is retained in its original systems (marketing platforms, databases, or websites) and is displayed on the personal information desktop only when needed, thanks to powerful interface technology.

Sunrise Screenshot

Contemporary and Highly Flexible Customer Management Tool

The Sunrise Information Desktop has proven to be a highly flexible instrument in customer management, enabling the Sunrise Contact Center to access the currently needed information more targeted, faster, and efficiently. This allows them to respond appropriately and promptly to customer inquiries.

Client information


Find out more from our case studies

All projects are backed by in-depth research, innovative solutions and close collaboration. Here, we show how we have helped our partners overcome business challenges to improve their market position and results. Explore our inspiring case studies for insights into the strategies and results behind our successful collaborations.
